Select the green 'Code' drop down button and then select 'Download ZIP'.ġ. You can download ModKit fromt the the PavlovVR ModKit Github Page.Ģ. If you need further instructions on how to create an Unreal Engine Account and installing the engine please visit the official Unreal Engine Documentation 'Installing UE4' website Download the PavlovVR ModKit (Workshop Tools)ġ. Wait for it to finish and proceed with the next step. The engine will now download and install. Specify the installation path and continue.ĥ. In the Libraries window press the '+ Add Engine Version' and select UE4.21.x and press on the yellow 'Install' Button.
Pavlov currently only works with UE4.21.x)Ĥ. (DO NOT press 'Install Engine' as this will install the latest Engine build. Go to the 'Unreal Engine' Tab and select 'Library' on the left.
Once you have downloaded and installed the launcher you need to login with the Account you just created.ģ. Register an Unreal Engine Account and download the Unreal Engine Launcher at Ģ.